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Integration Tests

These integration tests illustrate what side effects are handled how.

Running these tests

By running

poetry run pytest tests/

one can run the integration tests, that tests the pure bovine_process functions. By running

poetry run pytest tests/

One can run the integration tests with an in memory AMQP server. This then also tests the implementation of bovine_propan.

Defining tests

Current tests definitions can be found here. The basic process is that each file defines a function build_step that returns a list of Steps defined by dataclass

Defines a test step for integration testing bovine_process


Name Type Description Default
incoming_activities Optional[list]

Activities received at inbox endpoint

outgoing_activities Optional[list]

Activities send to the Fediverse

database_content Optional[list]

content of the database (as JSON objects)

database_collections Optional[list]

The values contained in collections (inbox, outbox, likes, …)

send_items Optional[list]

Activities send to remote inboxes

responses Optional[dict]

Mock response for remote requests

Source code in bovine_process/tests/data/
class Step:
    """Defines a test step for integration testing bovine_process

    :param incoming_activities: Activities received at inbox endpoint
    :param outgoing_activities: Activities send to the Fediverse
    :param database_content: content of the database (as JSON objects)
    :param database_collections: The values contained in collections (inbox, outbox, likes, ...)
    :param send_items: Activities send to remote inboxes
    :param responses: Mock response for remote requests

    incoming_activities: Optional[list] = None
    outgoing_activities: Optional[list] = None
    database_content: Optional[list] = None
    database_collections: Optional[list] = None
    send_items: Optional[list] = None
    responses: Optional[dict] = None

The simplest example is the empty test, given by

from . import Step

def build_steps(local_actor, local_activity_factory, local_object_factory):
    return [

This test can shows that if nothing comes in or goes out, nothing happens.

The build_steps function

We note that local_actor is a dictionary containing the result from the build() method of the bovine.activitystreams.Actor who is the recipient/sender of the Activities. local_activity_factory is the corresponding ActivityFactory and local_object_factory is the ObjectFactory. These can be used to create the objects that are being tested.

We note that as bovine currently uses the with_bovine_context to sanitize incoming json-ld, the objects stored in the database will be slightly different to the once created by the methods.

Test discovery

First the available test cases are collected using


Lists test files to run integration test with. This is done by collecting all python files in test/data/ excluding

By specifying the environment variable TEST_NAME one can restrict tests to ones containing its value.

Source code in bovine_process/tests/
def files_to_test():
    """Lists test files to run integration test with. This is
    done by collecting all python files in `test/data/` excluding

    By specifying the environment variable `TEST_NAME` one can
    restrict tests to ones containing its value."""
    if os.environ.get("TEST_NAME"):
        return [
            (x, y)
            for x in glob("tests/data/*.py")
            for y in [True, False]
            if os.environ.get("TEST_NAME") in x and "__init__" not in x

    return [
        (x, y)
        for x in glob("tests/data/*.py")
        for y in [True, False]
        if "__init__" not in x

Then the tests are loaded using

tests.load.load_test_data(file_path, local_actor)

Loads the build_step function contained in file_path


Name Type Description Default
file_path str

path to file

local_actor dict

actor from whose point of view the test is executed



Type Description

steps to execute

Source code in bovine_process/tests/
def load_test_data(file_path: str, local_actor: dict) -> List[Step]:  # noqa F811
    """Loads the `build_step` function contained in

    :param file_path: path to file
    :param local_actor: actor from whose point of view the test is executed

    :return: steps to execute
    local_activity_factory, local_object_factory = factories_for_actor_object(

    module_name = ".".join(file_path.split(".")[0].split("/"))

    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, file_path)
    module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)

    return module.build_steps(local_actor, local_activity_factory, local_object_factory)